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Finished Reading Bible Book of Revelation

I was reading the Book of Revelations in my bedroom alone, then something so unique happened when David walked in the room and heard what I was reading. He said that sounds so familiar because he heard the exact words I read this morning that he had listened to Francis Chan's video on YouTube. We both connected together with Revelation in the bible! I don't believe that was a coincidence. It's a good sign from God. David and I are on the same page. I finished reading it out loud so David could hear it, too. The Revelation is undeniably profound, so deeply disturbing but also profoundly wonderful and enchanting that honestly, I have not yet grasped the book's essence. Wasn't the book written for people who knew their Old Testament much better than David and I? I think this is why we have difficulty understanding other people who are well versed. I know how scary our destiny already had been predicted, and it's a fight between good and evil. Jesus will return to earth to determine and make the final judgment. I think that means you go to heaven with him or down below to hell, where Satan will gleefully wait to torture you for eternity. This is so terrifying.

Revelation 1:1-3
"The Revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angels to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw--the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it because the time is near."


Dear God,

I am so fascinated after reading Revelation. I don't completely understand everything. Lord, I know you do not want those who obey to be confused, ignorant, or fearful of the future, so you instructed John to share what you showed him to the world. I feel good about reading Revelation on my own. I'm looking forward to conversing with my Christian friends on this topic. Father, I have basic knowledge of how everything will eventually play out and end up, so I can share and transmit this knowledge to other Christians who do not have this knowledge and information. Revelation is your time to REVEAL what lies ahead—short and long-term. The stage is set, and You have lifted the curtain on the future. Revelation describes terrible plagues and world-shattering—truly Earth-shaking—events! With this in mind, I know that the events of Revelation described in this book are far in the future. But they can be understood now. God, I thank you for giving me the sign to read this book tonight and how You connected my husband and me to the bible. Thank you for blessing my family and me. In your name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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