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Speaking In Tongue

I understand speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift that can be manifested as either a human language or a heavenly supernatural language. I have a lot of natural fear regarding speaking in tongues. It was as though I had a mental block, even though I desired it. I really struggled to overcome those things. I haven't slept. I lay in bed in my room and said, “God please filled me up with the Holy Spirit and put me to sleep. It's a sunny day today. Suddenly everything got blurry I had a vision seeing red and trees burning up in darkness. I texted this to all my sisters-in-Christ. Then Chi Tinh called and we talked and prayed and then something supernatural happened. I heard myself start with just a few little syllables as I lay there in my bed holding the phone. I began with just tiny little sounds, and I thought, What is that? That’s not even a word, that’s like baby babble. Well, I felt like a small child learning to speak. Why am I speaking like this way? Then bright lights appeared from nowhere almost blinding me. Why am I seeing lights all of the sudden? What does this mean?

My natural mind tried to tell me I was just making it up, that it wasn’t real, and even that I was doing it wrong. I told the Lord, “I don’t know if this is really my prayer language or not; it doesn’t sound very clear.” But in my head I just continued praying in the spirit in faith, and those little sounds and syllables didn’t turn into words or into sentences. I don’t know what was happening but I trust the Lord, and just keep going because I couldn't stop myself. Truly, I can’t mess this up: this might be a gift from God that I pray for. I want to receive it but I’m unsure how to do it. I panic and hung up on Chi Tinh. She called back and I managed to talk normal asking her what just happened. I'm so overwhelmed and exhausted. 

She said, "Lena, you spoke in tongue."  

I remember I closed my eyes and see red then had this vision of burning trees. This vision came suddenly and shortly after God gave me the gift of speaking in tongues. It came out from my mouth at mind-boggling speed.  

The vision really bothered me for some reason for I knew it meant something to me, but also did not know what that was. I thank God for today but also told Him everything is too much to comprehend it all. I have to understand the vision he gave me. I googled it and found this interpretation: 

* Red symbolizes the love of God represented through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.

* Fire is a symbol of destruction, passion, danger, energy, transformation and ideas. 

* Tree symbolizes security, growth, stability, protection, acquiring greater knowledge and wisdom.

I think I get it. The vision means the love of God who put me through trials of transformation for growth, stability, protection, and then acquiring greater knowledge. I also saw bright lights confirming Jesus revealed himself again to teach me. I have gain more wisdom from this experience. 
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