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Loving My Mother-In-Law

My Lord, 

I pray for my Mother-In-Law who may not have given me the gift of life, but life has given me the gift of her. The bond between us is an eternal one. Because it's not DNA, flesh or blood-- but heart that makes us family. I thank her for loving me as her own. I may never have a picture-perfect relationship with my Mother-In-Law, but I can love her the way Christ calls me to—the way you love me. As I pray for my Mother-In-Law, my heart softens. I am honestly ashamed at the times in the past I’ve vented about my mother-in-law in front of my husband. When I complained about my Mother-In-Law it isn’t respectful to her, and it hurts my husband. Please forgive me, my Lord. I am no perfect human being. And although the manner in which she treats me have always been kind and out of love, but sometimes it’s misunderstood and the way I’ve reacted isn’t exactly tasteful. I am so blessed to have my Mother-In-Law in my life. She is always there for me and I am healing with her help. Jesus my Lord, I have to make myself constantly aware of the fact that I am a sinner in need of God’s grace. I am no greater than her or anyone else. We are both in dire need of your love and refinement, my God. Your love towards me isn’t conditional, and my love for my Mother-In-Law is unconditional. I am confident that you, God, has a plan for our relationship. 

I also want to take this directly to you as I pray for it. My Mother-In-Law’s heart is pure; her intentions clear. I ask for your guidance and your help in finding a soul mate for my Mother-In-Law, her most perfect partner who is a person of means. She seek a partner who enhances her by very being. Who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to her life. Who she can love fully and who can fully receive her love. Who loves, honors and cherishes her completely, and always. May she know love when her true love comes to her. May she let love in. May she be willing to allow her soul to know the truth. May her heart be open and her head be clear. May her life be ready to welcome true love. Please restore her faith in love and divine timing. Bring true love to her, in the right time, for the right reasons. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 
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