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Physical Healing Prayer For Mother-In-Law

Five Steps Prayer Model



At home, my Mother-In-Law, in her early-60 approached me and asked whether I could pray for her. "What do you want me to pray for?" I asked. She said that she had work long hours. I asked what she would like the prayers for, and she said that for months she had been experiencing back pain especially around the lower pelvic area and pain in her left leg. She told me how on several occasions she could neither seat nor stand she could only lie down for comfort because the pain was unbearable when seated or when standing. According to my Mother-In-Law, this back pain near the pelvic had affected both her personal life and work. She could not do any task for a long period before the pain reoccurred. This was the third month she was experiencing this pain although she said that she did not feel the pain every time. There were specific times that the pain appeared for example at night and after bending, seating or standing for a long time. Although she did not know what exactly caused the pain, she was sure that sleeping on her mattress made her situation worse so she bought a new mattress. When I asked whether she could remember how this problem began, she said that at first, she thought it was the normal back pain after doing tiring tasks such as working at her job. However, she realized that something was wrong when the pain kept recurring almost every night and after doing simple tasks. I asked her if she had fallen before and maybe got injured on the pelvic bone. She told me no.


Prayer Selection

Having gotten the important facts about my Mother-In-Law’s issue, I was ready to proceed to the next step. I asked myself which was the most appropriate prayer that I should pray to help her. I silently asked the Holy Spirit to take control and guide me for I was just being used as a vessel in helping my Mother-In-Law. I told my mom it is only God who heals, only that He uses human beings to release His healing power and blessings. Whenever I want to begin praying for someone, I always ask for permission whether it was okay to lay my hands on her back and legs and my Mother-In-Law was okay with that. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and directed me to use both the petition and the command. The Spirit wanted me to intercede on her behalf and to command the illness to leave her. The first step was to ask the Holy Spirit to come nearer and speak because His servant was listening. I commanded her back to get healed and commanded the spirit of the disease to leave her. I asked God to heal her from her pain. I prayed for her healing when I was deep in Spirit. I commanded her back and left leg to get healed the same way Jesus Peter commanded the lame beggar to rise and walk (Acts 3:6). I also said a petition prayer requesting God to heal her. I prayed to God through Jesus Christ to release His healing power and let His spirit touch the back of my Mother-In-Law and relieve her from pain permanently.


My Prayer

“Holy Spirit, please come with your healing power. In the name of Jesus, I command my mom’s back and legs muscles to be healed. I command all bruising to leave and the effect of all the past bruising to be healed. In the name of Jesus, I command my mom’s back and legs muscles to be healed. I command all aches and pains to leave and the effect of all the past bruising to be healed, in Jesus’s name! I command all the muscles and ligaments in her back and legs to function normally so that she can move normally. I command any spirit of infirmity in my mom or in her back and legs to get out of her now! In the name of Jesus, I command any afflicting spirit to get out of her now! Your assignments are over! Thank you Jesus for the physical healing of my mom’s back and legs. Thank you for all you do for me, mom, David, and all my kids. Lord, we all know that only you can heal and regain strength. I am asking you in the power of prayer to heal my mom from the pain in her back and in her legs. Please, lord God help my mom to feel like herself again, regain her strength again, lord. I thank you for all you have done and continue doing for us. Father God, please come with Your healing touch and restore my mom. May Your miraculous power move through her being and may Your presence fill her heart. Lord, I lift up to You and I ask for Your healing power to fully heal every part of my mom’s body. I pray believing that this is the night for mom to be set free from her suffering. I could feel the presence of the Lord around coming to heal her. Lord, I ask that my mom be quickly transformed into radiant health as you respond to prayer and Your healing promises in Your Word. Please watch over her and grant that she may be restored to that perfect health which it is Yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Please bless mom and our family tonight with quality sleep. May she wake up tomorrow when she is fresh and rejuvenated. Bless our home and keep everyone safe. Cover mom with your wings of love tonight and when she wake up tomorrow help her to do so with a joyful smile. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.”

Prayer Ministry

I prayed believing that this was the day for my Mother-In-Law to be set free from her suffering. I could feel the presence of the Lord around coming to heal my Mother-In-Law. I believed in every word that came out of my mouth because I had faith that the Holy Spirit had taken control. As I was praying, I had asked my Mother-In-Law not to pray to be receiving every blessing I was requesting for her from God through Jesus. She had to be attentive because the Holy Spirit was visiting, and it is important to be keen to notice when the healing has occurred.  I also did not forget to thank God for what He had done in my Mother-In-Law’s life and for what He was going to do for her. I was praying with my eyes open because I also wanted to witness the doings of our Lord. She was willing we continue with the prayers although I kept them short and I also prayed persistently.


Stop and Interview

The first time I stopped and asked her how she was feeling she said that she still have some form of bone pain because apparently, she had stood there with me for some minutes. She was willing therefore I continued to pray persistently. I continued saying the short prayers and asking her how she was feeling. I would ask her questions to know what the Lord was doing. The third time I asked she said that she was feeling relieved. Three minutes later, the Spirit spoke to me and said that it was time to end the prayers. I removed my hands from her head and as a signal that the prayers were coming to an end. My Mother-In-Law was feeling a form of pain a few minutes ago and now she says that she feels the pain lessen but it is still there. The Lord haven’t healed her yet.


Post Prayer Suggestions

I asked her to be prayerful and continue being faithful to the Lord and to serve Him with all her soul. I asked her to still go for the doctor's appointment to get the remaining tests done. Tonight, she is not completely healed but she does feel better. I asked to always defend this healing and use it for the glorification of God's name. It is God’s will when she will be totally healed.

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