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Physical Healing Q&A

Q. Discuss why Jesus healed the sick. Use biblical passages for support.

Jesus healed the sick because it was a display of his power and divine authority. At the same time Jesus had compassion and that is why He focused on different diseases (Matt. 4:23; cf. 15:30–31), congenital disabilities (John 9; Mark 7:32–35); chronic situations(Luke 8:43–47); and even demon possession (Mark 5:1–16). Since Jesus cared for the people, he used his power and divine authority to provide them with relief and timely care. Jesus simply doesn’t allow us to base our faith for healing on certain actions that we can perform. We’re not healed by a ritual, we’re healed by Jesus. In (Luke 8), Jesus isn’t content with just physically healing the woman with the bleeding. He doesn’t want her just to go away physically healed, He wants to do something even more important; He wants her to know she is loved. 

This was exactly how I felt when Jesus came to me and started working on me. Jesus wants to calm my fears. He wants to talk with me, to reassure me. He helps me understand how I am being healed. And He makes my healing public so I can be welcomed back into the reality and not stay stuck in my mind. When we pray for the sick in the name of Jesus, this same love and compassion for us should be our motivation. Every person we pray for to be healed should leave feeling loved by us and reminded of God’s love for them, no matter what measure of healing has come. Jesus has authority over sickness and death. I didn’t know this same authority has been given to His followers, so praying for the sick should be a normal part of obedient Christian life.

I have two mental illnesses I’m struggling with and was sick for a long time. I lost my mind and I have been living in darkness. Today, I can now think clearly as the symptoms from my illnesses have been managed by medications. The last five years, I have been through the intensely high times. Every night, I reflect on the experiences that have shaped me. I am still healing slowly, and I know for a fact I did not do this all on my own. Much of who I am today can be attributed to God.

I believe in medicine and doctors, but now I strongly believe in divine healing. I've had several amazing experiences with Jesus where He intervened and revealed himself was at Giver of Life church. I didn't know back then, but I know now that my journey to healing had begun from there. But since I have been diagnosed with mental illness, I felt torn believing the experiences I had were caused from the illness. Being stable now, I believe there is more to it. I accept the diagnosis but the diagnosis and my belief in God goes hand in hand. I believe there is more to these experiences than putting it down to mental illness. I’m still trying to figure out deep spiritual meanings of my experiences. It is not so much about is it real or imaginary. Even though there may be a mental health aspect to these experiences, the meaning an individual connects with that experience is what is most important. 

Jesus heal the sick because he loves all his children of the light. He healed me in the best way he know how that will work only for me. Each of us have our own personal relationship with our Father. From the outside looking in no one can see but from the inside looking out I see and felt his healing power.  He broke me down so many times and put me through many trials for me to overcome so I can believe in him. My healing transformation begin when I completely surrender to Him. 

Q. Describe the five step prayer model and explain how you will use it during your case studies. 

The five step prayer model entails the Interview, the Diagnosis, Prayer Selection, Prayer Engagement and Post-Prayer Direction. It is intended for situations where an individual makes a prayer request. This model is applicable in the case studies because it is foundational in nature and provides a point of reference.

Q. What is a word of knowledge?

Word of knowledge is when the Holy Spirit exposes information to an individual that they would not have known in the natural world. For example, when praying for an individual, one can state things that he/she had not shared with you. Some scholars state that this is where God shares what He sees with an individual to enable His will to be done. Jesus and his disciples used the Word of knowledge in their work. When Peter stated that Jesus was indeed the Son of God, Jesus was quick to point out that only the Holy spirit had shown this to him. The same way Jesus knew who was to betray him and shared this with the disciples in advance yet no one knew about Judas and his intentions.

Q. How can you apply knowledge from the Ministry Team Training Manual to your case studies?

I can apply knowledge from the Ministry Team Training Manual to my case studies to help ensure consistency in healing prayers. It may also ensure that all training information on skills, processes, and other information necessary to perform praying is together in one place.
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