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Tina In My Dream

Tina visited me in my dream. She told me to tell her family she is sorry for leaving. She love all of you. She told me she wants everyone to be strong for her because she is in a good place, resting in peace. I was completely mesmerized by the sound of her voice, so angelic. Seeing her was a beautiful sight to behold. She was a vision of loveliness and I was enchanted by the peaceful look on her face. She said to me, “don’t forget to tell them I will always be in their heart.” Then she floated up and slowly faded into the light. The magical moment was over. Then, it really hit me. She is gone. 

I woke up I realized that it was a dream and I wanted to go back to sleep, just so that I see Tina again. I tried but the dream never came back again.

Tina‘s message to trust that she is at peace and for us to accept this and move on. One of her gift to us was always to give us strength. So we have to be strong for her and continue on to live a good life because that’s what she would have wanted. I know we will all miss Tina, but let's celebrate her life and remember all the sweet memories of her. We need to hold onto those moments. That’s how she would like to be remember. She wouldn't want it any other way.  

Tina, I miss you. I love you. RIP, my special friend. 

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