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Tina Forever in Two Realms

Tina visited me in the Supernatural World. 

She told me to tell her family she is sorry for leaving. She loves all of you. She told me she wants everyone to be strong for her because she is in a good place, resting in peace. I was utterly mesmerized by the sound of her voice, so angelic. Seeing her was a beautiful sight to behold. She was a vision of loveliness, and I was enchanted by the peaceful look on her face. She told me, "don't forget to tell them I will always be in their heart." Then she floated up and slowly faded into the light. The magical moment was over. Then, it really hit me. She is gone. I woke up. I realized it was a dream, and I wanted to go back to sleep just so I could see Tina again. I tried, but the dream never came back again. Tina's message is to trust that she is at peace and for us to accept this and move on. One of her gifts to us was always to give us strength. So we must be strong for her and continue living a good life because that's what she would have wanted. I know we will all miss Tina, but let's celebrate her life and remember all her sweet memories. We need to hold onto those moments. That's how she would like to be remembered. She wouldn't want it any other way.   

Tina left the Natural World. In this realm, we cherish all her memories.

Tina was a very special friend of mine. She was the most precious person I know. Tina had a kind soul with an overly generous heart. I was Tina's caregiver for the last 3 months after her car accident. I cared for her and got to know her side that not many people see. On the outside she was very strong-will but yet so vulnerable inside. Tina always told me how much she loved her family regardless of their differences. Her kids were everything to her. She said, "I'm still their mom no matter what." There was no doubt that Tina loved all her kids very much. No matter how busy Tina is, she always finds time to listen and lend support. And even when she was tired, she ensured she was always there for us. There were times when I couldn't sleep. It didn't matter at 1 or 3 in the morning. Tina was there to talk to me. She never minded me texting her all night until the sun comes up. That was how kind and caring she was. Not only that, Tina has an extraordinary talent for making you feel special. I came over to her house to hang out. I joked about what do sober people do for fun? She laughed and said, "Let's dance!" She turned on the music and started dancing. I was like, "no way I can't dance." So the whole night, she kept trying to teach me the snake dance she was infamous for, but I was stiff like a board. It was hilarious and so much fun. That night was very special. It was just me and her. Another time when I came over in my gym clothes with no makeup. She opened the door, laughed, and said, "Girl, it's your birthday. I'm not letting you go out like that. You're getting a makeover." She hired a friend to do my hair and makeup and made me change into a dress, then took me out to dinner and dancing. She was the sweetest. One of Tina's gifts to us was always to give us strength. Between the two of us, she was always the stronger one. Her life could be chaotic, but she never wore it on her face; she would focus on the lighter side of things and taught me to do the same. I vowed to be stronger and try harder to get healthier for her because I know that's what she would have wanted. Do you know what Tina would often say to me? "There is always more in life to be thankful for than there is to complain about. Just be strong and don't give up in life." I know we will all miss Tina, but let's celebrate her life and remember all her sweet memories. We need to hold onto those moments. We have to believe Tina is at peace now. That's how she would like to be placed. She wouldn't want it any other way. 

                                        Tina, I miss you. I love you. RIP, my special friend.

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