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Finished Reading Bible Book of Revelation

I was reading the Book of Revelations in my bedroom alone, then something so unique happened when David walked in the room and heard what I was reading. He said that sounds so familiar because he heard the exact words I read this morning that he had listened to Francis Chan's video on YouTube. We both connected together with Revelation in the bible! I don't believe that was a coincidence. It's a good sign from God. David and I are on the same page. I finished reading it out loud so David could hear it, too. The Revelation is undeniably profound, so deeply disturbing but also profoundly wonderful and enchanting that honestly, I have not yet grasped the book's essence. Wasn't the book written for people who knew their Old Testament much better than David and I? I think this is why we have difficulty understanding other people who are well versed. I know how scary our destiny already had been predicted, and it's a fight between good and evil. Jesus will return to earth to determine and make the final judgment. I think that means you go to heaven with him or down below to hell, where Satan will gleefully wait to torture you for eternity. This is so terrifying.

Revelation 1:1-3
"The Revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angels to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw--the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it because the time is near."


Dear God,

I am so fascinated after reading Revelation. I don't completely understand everything. Lord, I know you do not want those who obey to be confused, ignorant, or fearful of the future, so you instructed John to share what you showed him to the world. I feel good about reading Revelation on my own. I'm looking forward to conversing with my Christian friends on this topic. Father, I have basic knowledge of how everything will eventually play out and end up, so I can share and transmit this knowledge to other Christians who do not have this knowledge and information. Revelation is your time to REVEAL what lies ahead—short and long-term. The stage is set, and You have lifted the curtain on the future. Revelation describes terrible plagues and world-shattering—truly Earth-shaking—events! With this in mind, I know that the events of Revelation described in this book are far in the future. But they can be understood now. God, I thank you for giving me the sign to read this book tonight and how You connected my husband and me to the bible. Thank you for blessing my family and me. In your name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Designing My Own Workout Routine

It is time to get my sh!t together to look healthier and more fit. Who doesn't? 

I reached out to Britney Tafoya, my BFF, a professional fitness coach. She is a powerful inspirational force to me. One night, what she said to me made an impact because I know some form of change is necessary, but I am uncertain about the magnitude of change I am willing to embrace. I told her I wanted to lose weight and get fit. I need a coach like her to empower me to completely rethink what’s possible. She told me it’s a process. No deadline involves building an overall understanding of what I want to accomplish but delves deeply into building awareness around any negative thoughts and false assumptions about my struggles, and I’m not alone. Not only has my mood improved, but my husband can see the genuineness in me to do better and be better. I signed up to attend Britney’s workshop to hear and learn more from her. Check out Britney’s website at
In the meantime, I started thinking about my plan to get healthier and fit, what I need to do on my own, and how can I better myself.

I don't want to sign up for a gym membership because I don’t feel comfortable, and my paranoia believes everyone is staring at me. I know no one is really doing that because they are focused on themselves rather than looking at me, but that’s how I feel. I know I won't go to the gym consistently every day, so the gym won't work for me. 

I want to exercise at home at whatever time seems fit for that day. I researched Pinterest to look at different doable exercises and then tried to piece together my own program that works for me. Something I know for sure I can do and keep on doing it. I really like to start slowly, building up my strength and endurance. 

I like the 30-Day Challenge, so I decided to test out these two workouts. 

I want toned arms, toned abs, and thinner thighs! I don't want to go overboard doing cardio because I learned from past experiences that doing only cardio doesn’t tone up the body. I'm focusing my training mostly on strength and core exercises. I found these workouts that I like and know I can start working on them. 

I’m not an expert, but doing these workouts targets strength building and muscular endurance. I repeat 3 times doing each exercise that focuses on a specific area. I know when I get done with the strength/core training, my metabolism is up for up to 24 hours afterward, which is excellent for losing weight and getting tone. Definitely, I am not bored training at home when the kids are in school. These workouts get my heart rate up and strengthen my muscles simultaneously. 

Some days, I wake up at 8am to work out. It takes me about 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete all the workouts. Afterward, I go hiking for 30 minutes on Montgomery Hills, a trail behind Evergreen Valley College down the street from where I live, or walk 30 minutes on my treadmill. On other days, rolling off the bed to turn off the alarm felt almost impossible, and I would wake up at around noon, but I forced myself to do these exercises for at least 1 hour and skip cardio no matter how late it was. 

It feels great! Finally, I got my workout routine down. I’m elated and can't wait to see the results. Of course, it is not anytime soon because it is a long process, and I'm looking forward to accomplishing it daily. 


Finished Reading Bible Book of John

I went back to reread the Book of John. Each time the meaning always sounds different and my perspective changes. 

I remember seeing bright white lights when I close my eyes in the middle of the day and whenever about to go to sleep. It can linger and seem to appear out of nowhere. Anyway, I did ask my doctor if this is psychosis and she said no. Usually, whenever this happens I would have a flashback memory of a particular experience that I believe was spiritual as if it just happened yesterday. At first, seeing the bright white light freaks me out but not anymore.

Reading the Book of John there are many times "light" was mentioned. This makes me write down verses that resonate with me so I can go back at any time to read them again and again. I'm hoping I can memorize them one day. 

John 1:4-5
"In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

John 3:19-21
"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."

John 12:35-36
"Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light."

John 14:27
"....Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

John 15:7
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you,, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

God has shown me the kindness to build my faith by choosing me to be a believer. By giving me a purpose for my life and a means to achieve it through Him. Being faithful to the little purposes in my life. I must obey God rather than a human being. I chose to do this because I can't please a man. I can please Him. I read about Thomas and I share his strengths and weaknesses. Thomas is devoted to Jesus and follows Jesus. His faith is weak when Jesus was not around. Sometimes Thomas was skeptical and questioned but he was honest about it. If he didn't understand something, he said so. If he felt discouraged, he acted like it. I am very much like Thomas. I doubt and question faith a lot. I went through many trials that pile up and I'd start having a lot of doubts. I know God is always good. His plan for me is clear never confusing but only if I'm willing to listen from my heart. 

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