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Spiritual Enlightenment

For most of my life, I sought to survive, a quest to find answers to "Why am I the way I am. What is the meaning of mental illness. When isLifee worthy of being lived in madness mentally? When to find peace of Mind?"

The past years it seems I gained some critical life insights on some of those questions. I found a church that recognize mental illness and they have a program called HeartSync that helps people like me. They said DID is not illness. It's a gift from God to help me survive and cope with traumas. The multiple personalities are referred to as my "Parts." I mam the True Self part living in the present time and whenever there is a traumatic situation a Part take control but that Part is held in captivity traps in time of their traumas in the past. The major trouble within my Mind is finding out not all of them know who God is. I applied what I know from HeartSync for my own healing. I learned I can now intentionally engage and systematically work with each of my Parts in order to resolve their conflicts, spiritual assignments, and bring them into wholehearted loving relationship with God. With the peaceful Mind, the bridge of harmony that needs to be established between my Parts will lead me, the True Self, to the ultimate goal of life: love and happiness. 

Little did the doctors realize that I was taking Part in some spiritual awakening process, which at times mimicked psychosis but actually was an experience of a far different order. I knew without a doubt that I was going through a profound spiritual experience; no one could possibly convince me otherwise; this was the key that saved my sanity.

The experiences and realizations were so mind-blowing that at specific points, I was having trouble "keeping it together," as my whole personality structure was melting and disintegrating, all towards some mysterious, unknown destination where everything was clearly being integrated into a higher and more psychoactive center. Often my actions looked from the outside like typical psychotic behavior. It was, I'm sure, a challenging and problematic situation for those closest to me, as they couldn't understand what I was going through, as it was so far off their map of reality. I was bought into the doctor's diagnosis that I had a mental illness or was demon-possessed, as this was their way of "explaining" what was happening to me that fit into their minimal, comfortable view of the world. From my point of view, I was realizing, or should I say, it was being revealed to me that every moment was the unmediated expression of God. 

During these experiences, I met and intimately connected with some of the nicest enlightened people who became my Sisters-In-Christ, mentors, and guides. True miracles, completely impossible experiences, stuff that could only happen in dreams, began happening.

This is the difference between someone who is genuinely mentally ill, who could be said to be drowning in the stormy ocean of the unconscious, compared to an accomplished mystic, who is nurtured and nourished by swimming, surfing, and snorkeling in the healing waters of their psyche. This is not to say that there is not something called mental illness. I wonder how many cases of mental illness are actually spiritual emergencies gone sour. I need to recognize the existence of genuine spiritual emergences and learn to differentiate them from experiences of psychosis. Of course, another great danger, which I can talk about from personal experience, is to wind up in the clutches of and be diagnosed and medicated by the medical and psychiatric community, who typically have no understanding of phenomena such as spiritual emergencies. I've been able to see the perfection of all that has happened. I now understand that all the trials God put me through were an aspect of the awakening; they were Part of my journey to the supernatural world. There is a sense of accepting and embracing whatever has happened in my life, realizing it is all an initiation into the more profound mystery of my infinite and magical being.

Tina Forever in Two Realms

Tina visited me in the Supernatural World. 

She told me to tell her family she is sorry for leaving. She loves all of you. She told me she wants everyone to be strong for her because she is in a good place, resting in peace. I was utterly mesmerized by the sound of her voice, so angelic. Seeing her was a beautiful sight to behold. She was a vision of loveliness, and I was enchanted by the peaceful look on her face. She told me, "don't forget to tell them I will always be in their heart." Then she floated up and slowly faded into the light. The magical moment was over. Then, it really hit me. She is gone. I woke up. I realized it was a dream, and I wanted to go back to sleep just so I could see Tina again. I tried, but the dream never came back again. Tina's message is to trust that she is at peace and for us to accept this and move on. One of her gifts to us was always to give us strength. So we must be strong for her and continue living a good life because that's what she would have wanted. I know we will all miss Tina, but let's celebrate her life and remember all her sweet memories. We need to hold onto those moments. That's how she would like to be remembered. She wouldn't want it any other way.   

Tina left the Natural World. In this realm, we cherish all her memories.

Tina was a very special friend of mine. She was the most precious person I know. Tina had a kind soul with an overly generous heart. I was Tina's caregiver for the last 3 months after her car accident. I cared for her and got to know her side that not many people see. On the outside she was very strong-will but yet so vulnerable inside. Tina always told me how much she loved her family regardless of their differences. Her kids were everything to her. She said, "I'm still their mom no matter what." There was no doubt that Tina loved all her kids very much. No matter how busy Tina is, she always finds time to listen and lend support. And even when she was tired, she ensured she was always there for us. There were times when I couldn't sleep. It didn't matter at 1 or 3 in the morning. Tina was there to talk to me. She never minded me texting her all night until the sun comes up. That was how kind and caring she was. Not only that, Tina has an extraordinary talent for making you feel special. I came over to her house to hang out. I joked about what do sober people do for fun? She laughed and said, "Let's dance!" She turned on the music and started dancing. I was like, "no way I can't dance." So the whole night, she kept trying to teach me the snake dance she was infamous for, but I was stiff like a board. It was hilarious and so much fun. That night was very special. It was just me and her. Another time when I came over in my gym clothes with no makeup. She opened the door, laughed, and said, "Girl, it's your birthday. I'm not letting you go out like that. You're getting a makeover." She hired a friend to do my hair and makeup and made me change into a dress, then took me out to dinner and dancing. She was the sweetest. One of Tina's gifts to us was always to give us strength. Between the two of us, she was always the stronger one. Her life could be chaotic, but she never wore it on her face; she would focus on the lighter side of things and taught me to do the same. I vowed to be stronger and try harder to get healthier for her because I know that's what she would have wanted. Do you know what Tina would often say to me? "There is always more in life to be thankful for than there is to complain about. Just be strong and don't give up in life." I know we will all miss Tina, but let's celebrate her life and remember all her sweet memories. We need to hold onto those moments. We have to believe Tina is at peace now. That's how she would like to be placed. She wouldn't want it any other way. 

                                        Tina, I miss you. I love you. RIP, my special friend.

Spiritual Retreat

I was encouraged by people at Giver of Life Church and my family to go to the 3-Days Spiritual Retreat Encounter hosted by Pastor Selena, coordinated by Sister Florence, and the one who keeps the show running is Pastor Geno.  

A spiritual retreat is a time set apart to be in quiet, rest, and solitude with God. It will take you close to God and your soul. Retreats remove us from noise and distraction into a spiritually refreshing and renewing place. It is a way of entering into the presence of God and allowing him to nourish our souls. 
At Encounter, we teach each other things when we come together in fellowship. We shared our testimony and personal spiritual experiences. God gives us a gift of learning and growing when we come together in fellowship. We show each other how to live as God wants us to live and how to walk in His footsteps. We have a place to fellowship at Encounter. According to the Bible, if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. Fellowship is an essential part of our faith. Coming together to support one another is an experience that allows us to learn, gain strength, and show the world precisely what God is. There was lots of teaching of the word of God. We listened to Pastor Selena's powerful teaching throughout the day. Pastor Selena teaches us about God's character and His will for our lives through scripture.
Worship is vital to us. Worship is not about emotion. It is more about a recognition of a God. Christian worship involves praising God in music. There was a lot was praying, singing, and dancing. Some of us were filled with The Holy Spirit that they burst out speaking in tongue. The Holy Spirit touched us in a particularly unique way when we received it spiritually. 

According to Colossians 3:16
"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."
I have noticed that people physically fall onto the ground when they encounter God. I have seen this many times at Encounter — and then I experienced it myself. I can tell you. The experience was real. We watched the Passion of Christ, the part when Jesus was whipped to death. He was tortured and got nailed to the cross. Pastor Selena placed the nail into my palm. I felt a supernatural pain traveling from my hands to all over my body, it knocked me out, and I fell. I was lying on the ground until I woke up crying. I felt the power of God come on me. 
During the three days at Encounter, I felt relaxed and renewed. I'm feeling stronger. I feel calmer. I feel relaxed. I have a quiet mind. It was fantastic. I slept well for two nights straight without medications only because I couldn't keep it down. My body seems to reject it, making me throw up. Coincidentally, Pastor Selena placed her hand on my head and prayed over me during the praying time. I started coughing and gagging in the bag. I wanted to vomit. The spiritual cause of vomiting is a physical expression of rejection, and I believe my medications are being rejected. I pray God keeps healing me every day and in every way. I don't want to pop pills. I know to be well is to keep sleeping every night, and I want to attempt this without medications when I return home. Jesus will help me get through detoxing my body from all the antipsychotic and mood stabilizer medications. I have to believe in Jesus to answer this specific prayer of mine. To be free from medications.  
During the praying time, I was able to reflect on Jesus. He kept intervening when there were times I used to feel so insane in my head when I lost touch with reality. I doubt my faith. It was scary. However, Jesus loves me so much even when I keep denying Him. The voices in my head messed up my belief and affected my thinking negatively. It's hard to love myself when my head is chaotic. I fearfully tell myself I don't deserve His love because I have sinned. Whenever I see Jesus's light, I run the opposite way. But Jesus is relentless because the more I refuse, the more He comes closer. He is calm. He is patient. He is AWESOME with his undying love. 
When I struggle with myself, I repeat this verse whenever I feel self-hatred in John 15:12-13 
"My command is this: Love yourself and each other as I have loved you."
According to the Bible, there very clearly is a universal love of God for all of mankind, both saved and unsaved. We are all made in His image, and He loves us. God also shows his love of beneficence to all creation, an expression of his goodness. I must remember this. 
I hear God speak to my heart. The retreat is just the beginning of a journey with God and our soul and everlasting friendships with people who share the exact spiritual needs and interests. I left the retreat filled with love and joy. 
I feel that the healing at Encounter was remarkable – I have been working toward healing some ancient mental health issues for a long time. Nonetheless, I believe I got set free from my mental illnesses. After three days, we left the retreat, and now I'm back home with new positive energy and a new mindset. I have received God by faith. 
The Bible said, "The Word of God makes it clear that faith, or believing God's Word, brings results and that we receive from the Lord by faith."
Amen, Lord! I'm hungry to receive more of You, whatever that means and whatever that looks like in every situation!

The whole experience at Encounter was AMAZING!!!!!! 

Preview: The Unquiet Mind

My second book is coming soon! 

The Unquiet Mind

Chapter 1: Seeking for Truth
Chapter 2: The Spiritual Battle in the Mind and Body
Chapter 3: Why am I the way I am
Chapter 4: Chemical Imbalance in the Brain 
Chapter 5: Disorder of the Spitting Mind
Chapter 6: The Divine Rescue from Madness
Chapter 7: Healing from HeartSync
Chapter 8: Spiritual Power of the Heart in the Brain 
Chapter 9: Beautiful Gift for the Divided Heart
Chapter 10: Unforgettable Devine Encounter 
Chapter 11: The Divided Heart Find Love Again
Chapter 12: Forces of Cosmic Darkness
Chapter 13: Brain Science of Emotional Healing
Chapter 14: Unity of the Body, Mind, and Heart
Chapter 15: Fear No More
Chapter 16: The Sign of the Ultimate Love

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